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Helping People Through Our Love of Dance

Our goal is to impact, instruct, influence, and educate people and the community in a positive way. We do this through the art of dance, media, events, dance classes & competitions.
Dance is a great way to ‘Get Away’ and to find peace, love, and happiness. Dancing is an Art. It is learning how to control your body and express the music through your body. Anyone can dance, it just depends on how bad you want it and how much you practice.

We are available for special occasions such as weddings, quinceaneras, corporate events, and special events. We would be happy to assist with choreography or performing at your event or


Dance lessons are also an excellent way to relieve stress, meet new friends, and live healthy. Whether you are looking to become a good social dancer or enter competitions, we have the knowledge, passion, and experience to help you reach your goals.

" A time to dance " Ecclesiastes 3:4


" David danced before the Lord with all his might " 

2nd Samuel 6:14 

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